Target Deck Synopsis

As a former Special Operations soldier, Deckard freelanced as a mercenary and got more than he bargained for. Now, as the commander of a Private Military Company called Samruk International, Deckard finds work as Mexico begins its final decent into chaos.

Hitting the ground with a small recon element, he will first have to rescue a newly minted police chief named Samantha from the clutches of a drug cartel before blitzing across southern Mexico. However, he can’t do it alone. His success hinges on forging an unlikely alliance between Samruk International, Zapatista rebels, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

The Stewmaker. Captain Nemo. The Beast. These are a few of the human savages that Deckard and his mercenaries will have to trade fire with as they service one target after the next. But in the background, watching and waiting, is a far more dangerous threat. The Arab works behind the scenes, instigating conflicts and initiating one crisis after the next.

As Deckard follows The Arab’s bloody trail, he finds that it leads North, into the very heart of America.


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7 responses to “Target Deck Synopsis

  1. John


    It has grown on me. But when I first read the synopsis the naming of Samantha kind of came off wrong. I am still uncertain though since this is the first thing everybody will see..that old first impressions thing and flow of the story.

    Still thnking though.

  2. Jon

    Dude when is this coming out or a new PROMIS?

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