About me

Pre-Deployment Training

Field testing the new SCAR rifle

Tactical Commander (TC) on a Stryker in Northern Iraq

Pre-Deployment Training with Sniper Section

Working in Kurdistan

On patrol with one of the Iraqi soldiers I trained

Just prior to a High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) jump

Jack Murphy is an eight year Army Special Operations veteran who served as a Sniper and Team Leader in 3rd Ranger Battalion and as a Senior Weapons Sergeant on a Military Free Fall team in 5th Special Forces Group.

Growing up in New York, Jack Murphy enlisted in the US Army at age nineteen. Completing Infantry Basic Training, Airborne School, and the Ranger Indoctrination Program, he was assigned to 3rd Ranger Battalion. As a Ranger, he served as an Anti-Tank gunner, Sniper, and Team Leader, and also graduated from Ranger School and Sniper School.

After several deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, he attended the Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course and was selected as a Special Forces Weapons Sergeant. Over a year was spent training in the Special Forces Qualification Course, including further weapons training, SERE School, language training, and more.

Assigned as the Senior Weapons Sergeant on a Military Free Fall team in 5th Special Forces Group, Murphy was again sent to numerous schools and training courses before being deployed to Iraq. Acting as the senior trainer and adviser to an Iraqi SWAT team, his Special Forces team conducted Direct Action and other missions across Northern Iraq.

Having left the military in 2010, he is now working towards a degree in Political Science at Columbia University.  Murphy is the author of Reflexive Fire, Target Deck, the PROMIS series, and numerous non-fiction articles about Weapons, Tactics, Special Operations, Terrorism, and Counter-Terrorism.  He has appeared in documentaries, national television, and syndicated radio.  He can be reached at reflexivefire@yahoo.com

83 responses to “About me

  1. Good luck with the book-pimping!

  2. Hey there, saw your post to the PMP message board. I’ll definitely have to catch up on this blog and I’ll be sure to add you to the blogroll.

  3. Thanks for stopping by dude, hope you find something interesting here. I’m trying to focus on putting quality content on here but if you have any suggestions or requests for what you’d like to see covered feel free to drop me a line. Thanks for adding me to the blogroll, once I finally figure out how this blogging thing works I’ll try to get one up as well.

    • Tarheelcurahee

      I just read your story on santoro.. I served in Afghanistan in 08-09 in 3rd platoon Cco 1/506 with him.. It was a know thing that he was gay and bullied and sexuality harassed several soldiers.. He was not the only predator. . He was working in partnership with another soldier.. If you would like more info , I can give you names of soldiers that can confirm the same info as me

  4. I am the person who created the PROMIS software and created INSLAW and would enjoy communicating with you.

  5. Mr. Hamilton,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment here on Reflexive Fire. My research has inspired fictional works and I am not sure I have any primary source information that can be of use to you. That said, I would be more than happy to communicate with you on any and all issues. Needless to say, I’ve found Cheri Seymour’s book to be a fascinating read.


  6. Pingback: Koran burning and the Muslim Inferiority Complex « One Man's Opinion Blog

  7. Jack,
    Get in touch when you have a minute. I have a proposal for you.

  8. Jack,

    My name is Christian Lowe and I am the managing editor at Military.com…

    A reader at our Kit Up! blog recommended your book Reflexive Fire and as I poured through the web looking up your work, I ran across this blog. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, would you mind pinging me with your contact info? I’d like to chat further about your writing and background…

    Christian Lowe

    PS — I know Jake Allen quite well, though it’s been a while since we last talked.

  9. bushcraftercz

    I love SCAR, especially .308, did you deploy with this rifle?

  10. Christian, I will drop you a line ASAP, thanks for your interest.

    Bushcraftercz, no, I field tested the SCAR but did not deploy with this weapon system. I think 3rd Group was the first, SF wise, to field the SCAR followed by 5th Group after I left. The 75th Ranger Regiment is also invested in the platform from what I understand.

  11. Russell Hicks

    Loved Reflexive Fire. I am now going to read your other (partial?) book. Hope you get the support you deserve. I LOVE THE LOOK AND FEEL OF AUTHENTIC MILITARY THEMES, DESCRIPTIONS, AND CONTENT.
    Best wishes

    ps: I am looking to get an e-mail address back–but you need not bother with a comment.

  12. Russell Hicks

    pps: I found e-mail above. My mistake.

  13. Thanks for reading Russell, you really are too kind! I don’t know what to say… Please stay in touch.

  14. I’m ordering your book. Take a look at “Where There Were No Innocents” on Amazon. It’s Vietnam, ’67-’68 with MACV-SOG. I was in SOG in those years, so the action is true-to-life, but fictional.

  15. Thanks for writing in Thomas. My short story, PROMIS: Vietnam is about SOG circa 1970. I tried really hard to do justice to the unit you served in. I hope I don’t disappoint. My novel is contemporary and has more in common with my own military experiences. I look forward to reading your book and I hope you will stay in touch!

  16. borhan

    Someday… someday I will become a Special Forces soldier…

  17. Matt

    Old batt boy from the 90’s. Found your web site via Amazon after reviewing your piece of work. Excellent story that is visual as well as encompassing relevant factors regarding the present global landscape. The raid chapters were on point. Its refreshing to see the template is still in effect regarding company size raids, brought back a lot of memories. Finished a piece of work myself you may find interesting as well. Similar vein but different AO for the main action. Hit me up when time permits!
    Sua Sponte!

  18. Always good to hear from other Rangers Matt. I was really excited about writing straight up Company level raids, something that I don’t ever recall seeing in fiction. Usually it’s just a lone operator or a small team, after writing this book I know why. It’s difficult to describe and make it work when the reader has to follow all the moving parts. I hope I didn’t confuse non-military folks to much. Still, it was great to attempt to show how rifle squads, machine gun teams, mortars, snipers, and all the rest work together and compliment each other. Feel free to drop me an e-mail anytime, the address is listed above, reflexivefire@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading!

  19. Migs Eder

    Greetings John Stryker Meyer

    I recently placed my late brother (Agent Orange, multiple myeloma, aged 62) Rod Eder’s out-of-print Vietnam novel on Amazon, and I have a favour to ask. If I send you a .doc of Rod’s book, Deep Jay, would you then consider placing a review of it on the amazon page? I’d like to get his novel more coverage since in fact New Zealand books on the topic are scarce, and a review is an important step. (Yours is one of the “People also bought” ‘s, which is why I am approaching you.)

    Rod went on to be a professional firefighter for 30 years, but was always at heart a reader and writer, concerned with the proper placing of a comma as well as with what Napoleon did. Deep Jay is a picture of the ordinary guy in extreme circumstances, wondering how he got there, and has some scatological humour etc etc to balance the darker bits.

    Take care, and thank you


    Migs (Margaret) Eder
    (“Earthquake Ravaged” but better than a war zone) Christchurch
    New Zealand

    • Migs,

      Thanks for writing but I think you are a little confused. My name is Jack Murphy as you can see above in this section of my website. John Stryker Meyer is a MACV-SOG veteran who wrote several books about his experiences in the Vietnam War. His website is sogchronicles.com. John is a nice guy so go ahead and see if you can reach out to him on his site.


      • Migs Eder


        damn! earthquake brain strikes again, and I did think we were all recovering from that. I found the wrong page! So sorry, and thank you for sorting that out.


  20. Amanda Green


    Please let me know if you accept paid guest posts on your site, reflexivefire.wordpress.com. I work with freelance writers to create posts on sites like yours that link to a clients page within the context of the post. These are never reviews or advertisements for the link, just informational posts that are tailored to fit the content and audience of the site they are written for.

    Is that something you are interested in discussing? If you are, what are your guidelines for this type of agreement?


  21. William

    I ordered your book off of amazon a few months ago, and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. As active duty military I find myself scrutinizing over every little detail and or mistake in military fiction books. With Reflexive Fire this never happened. It is a very well researched book. Based off your experiences in Batt and Group, you where able to pull of one of the best military fiction books that I have ever read. Little things like the use of Bohemian Grove, Reference to Margaret Thatchers son, and the research you did on Kazakstan just added to the ability of your story telling. Are you working on another book about Dekard? Well I have already recommended this book to several friends and I wish you luck on all your future endeavors.

    Take care,

    • Thank you William, I appreciate that! Please stay in touch, I will be posting a lot more about the 2012 SHOT show in the coming days. Also watch for updates on the sequel to Reflexive Fire.

  22. Jack,
    I would welcome articles from you for the Guns & Patriots newsletter. It is emailed out to 275,000 emails every Tuesday and our Facebook page has 80,000 fans. It would be a great way to help you get the word out about your books and projects.
    –Neil W. McCabe (617) 230-8710

  23. Colonel Tom

    Looks like a good site…airborne!

  24. Matt

    Hey Jack, I was wondering if you had any plans to write a book that chronicles the regiment from its beginnings to today? I think that would be an awesome read, there are a ton of books about SEALs, but a real dearth of knowledge in the general population about who Rangers are, and how much they really do. I have learned a lot about them from you on SOFREP, and I would imagine a lot of people would find it interesting.

    • It’s high time for a book like this! Dick Couch has a book about the 75th coming out this summer I think. We’ll see how it is…

      • matt

        He is a great guy, and Im sure that he will do his best. I enjoyed meeting him, and also reading the warrior elite. The book turned out much better than I had thought it would when I first met him. That being said, I think a book written by someone who served in the regiment during the GWOT would be better IMO.

      • I look forward to the (real and genuine) memoirs that will come out in the coming decades. I hope they are done in the style of the LRRP/Ranger memoirs. I hate the ghost-written, co-written, watered down corporate books that are being released today.

  25. matt

    Agreed Jack. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

  26. josh

    So when is a new promise book coming out I think about Lebanon right?

  27. Mark Fields

    Jack Lost your phone number and Brandon’s – Deleted by accident both yours and Brandon Webb – Can you please send it via email to my new work location – Hope is all well – let me know when your new book is out –
    Kind regards, Mark Fields

  28. Lanny

    im thinking about going to batt already airborne qualified but a 283 pt test on leave from deployment now some advice would be needed

  29. Chris

    Hi Jack, Just wanted to say again how much I enjoyed Reflexive Fire, and can’t wait til your new book comes out (HURRY HURRY!)
    Be well,

  30. Michael

    Hey I was searching some images on Google for a fire text design and saw a concept for “Reflexive Fire”. I think this text design is really good and I would love it if you could help me make something similar if that’s ok.
    Here is an imgur link to the sample text you made:

    Any help you could give me would be really great, thanks!

  31. Pingback: Benghazi: The Definitive Report | Flanco Sur

  32. George

    Hi, Jack!
    I have read all your articles on SOFREP and personally I think you’ve done a great job! I’ve just bought your book and I’m gonna read it with interest.
    Want it in Russian language!
    Greetings from Russia and, of course, stay safe! 😉

    • Thank you George! My novels do involve Kazakhstan, which of course used to be part of Russia, so there is some cross over. I need to learn more about Russian and Central Asia in general. Thanks for reading!

  33. josh

    What book are you working on now? Promise series?

  34. Matthew Henry

    Hey Jack Murphy. I’m in ROTC and ya I know it’s cadet land not real army. I am wondering what my MOS should be. I am interested in some sort of combat arms. Would you mind explaining to me what it’s like to be regular infantry like day to day stuff, and what’s it like in the Ranger Regiment. I just don’t want a mindset on just one MOS when there are so many more and would like some clarification on what is the day to day stuff in the infantry.

  35. Colin Turnnidge

    Hey Jack,
    I was a SF baby into 7th Group medic in 1980. I graduated fro GS in ’89 and reenlisted into 3rd Group. The Army sent me to PA school and I served in two Infantry battalions before I went to 3/5 after 9-11. Retired as 5th’s senior PA in ’06. Taught school and doing the contractor thing in Kabul. I’m working on my first science fiction book. Small world keeps getting smaller as our country deconstructs.

    • That’s awesome, can’t wait to read it! I think we just missed each other as I got to 5th Group in 2007. I recall our PA, he did my HALO physical. A Major, seemed like a good dude.

  36. Colin Turnnidge

    That was probably Ken Brooks, 2/5 PA who replaced me at group. I run into a bunch of SF and Ranger guys in the contracting world. I’ll keep up with your blog. I’ve seen your books advertised in the SF private pages.

    • Please do. I had no idea that other people were posting info about the books in private websites but I’m glad to hear that people are reading them. Feel free to reach out if there is anything I can do to help.

  37. William Shatner (no relation)

    Do you ever look in the mirror and say “I’m a badass” because if I was a ranger/SF I would say that nonstop all day to everyone . Grandma.Check. Italian supermodel . Double check. Alex Trabek from “Jeopardy” . Triple check . Everybody would know and they would all Etadeck.

  38. Pingback: Morón, base de fuerza de reaccción rápida de los Marines para el Mediterráneo | Flanco Sur

  39. Big B

    How about a daily Deckard/Samruk WOD for us crossfit numb nuts? What would you/Deckard perform everyday as a singleton or as a leader of Samruk? To keep the troops amped up? Also, any larger size hats in the inventory?

  40. Joe Blogs

    Strange. Why are you writing about yourself in the third person? Weird septic-tank thing to do.

  41. H.J.Davey

    As a retired E7 I really enjoy your books. I’m in the middle of “Direct Action” and when I was reading the news this morning over my coffee, I happened across this item – that made me stop and think -hmmmm! perhaps your books are not all fiction after all;

    Then I had my Aaaaaha! moment. If your death threat is related to what you say about the DevGru in “Direct Action”, then the shoot-down of the plane-Jane CH47 shithook in August 2011 and the death of 25 DevGru members was no accident – but perhaps a clean-up operation and the Army crew just collateral.

    Thanks for the great reads,

  42. Tom Richard

    Reading Target Deck, and enjoying the evolution from Reflexive Fire, however, I’m seeing numerous editorial errors. Not misspelled words but words not in the proper context.
    It’s a page turner. You are a skilled writer, but if you are looking for an additional proof reader, I’ll do it for free.
    If these issues have already been addressed, please disregard.

    Tom Richard

  43. Greetings from Alaska. Stumbled onto your page researching survival kit for E&E. I liked the content here so far so I posted as link on my links page. I hope that was OK, if not, Ill remove it..

  44. Ryan


    I highly enjoy the work you’ve done here and over on SOFREP. If you find time I’d like to ask you a few questions about your follow up on Eric Haney’s book. Thanks and keep up the great work!



  45. Pingback: Comment vaincre Daech - PsyOps

  46. Mission Veritas is a new military Science Fiction novel to be released this spring. The conservative author is reaching out to an audience of 18-30 year old males using an adventure story with video game quality graphics.

    Set in the future it raises the questions; Is peace at any cost worth the price? Does appeasement benefit humanity? What will the future look like if the next generation continues to “tune out”?

    We believe YOUR endorsement would help us reach a broader audience expanding the young conservative readership for all of us. Of course, your name, Author of “Your Title” will be displayed and included in all promotions where your endorsement appears.

    The book is currently in proofing with the publisher (Booktrope). The estimated release date is within the next 90 days.

    I would be happy to provide you with your choice; the full ARC of the ebook, a 3 page full synopsis that reveals the surprising ending or a brief 3 paragraph overview to assist you with your endorsement.

    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

  47. Pingback: ¿Hay un “estilo africano” de hacer la guerra? | Guerras Posmodernas

  48. Joshua

    I was wondering when your new book was going to come out? Or are you just releasing it chapter by chapter

  49. Garrett McDougal

    I understand your busy but I have a few questions that I hope you can answer. Do you think the CIA had a covert special operations unit in the Cold War? I have asked an ex british NOC about it and he said that Britain had that capability. America must of also had a covert special ops unit. The need for the capability was there but I have searched high and low and have pretty much found nothing.

  50. After seeing ’13 Hours’ I wanted to know more of the backstory, so I listened to ‘Benghazi-The Definitive Report’ on Audible. Holy crap! Mind blown Jack! Keep the info coming-more people need to know what is going on. I’ve been recommending the book on our radio show here in Atlanta-hope it helps get the word out. Kevin Avery

  51. whitey


    Read the promis books and now I’m onto reflexive fire.
    At some point you’re going to have to go back in time and write a story about the birth of Deckard, a sort of soldier without end kind of thing
    If Deckard fought in nam he would have been roughly 20 in 1970.
    Although there are no dates in reflexive fire the time line seems pretty current which means Shawn would be pushing 60 at least.
    That seems a bit long in the tooth for a guy to still be out rumbling with the youth.
    Billy Waugh excluded, most guys are too gimped up for active combat.
    Besides, Deckard as a legionarre or a viking raider, or maybe fighting for Billy the bastard or john hawkwood (one of my personal favorites) would make a good story.
    Keep writing.
    Also, what was the name of the artist you referenced in reflexive fire? I’m can’t find it on my Kindle and I can’t remember his name. When I came acrossed it in the novel I Google him and his art really is…….something.

    • Two different guys! Sean Deckard’s son born in PROMIS: Rhodesia is the Deckard you see in Reflexive Fire. If Rhodesia went under in 1980, this would make Deckard jr. about 35.

  52. Ronnie

    Hello my friend have reenacting unit in the Norway. and have about 20 members. A lot of information about rangers we find on the Internet, for example from the photos, but some information escapes us. Our reenacting year is 2011. Can you help us?
    Currently we have a problem with the callsign patches. Maybe it’s a secret? Can you talk about that? We’ve traced from photos and descriptions of the 1st Battalion with the K, L is the 2nd Battalion and 3rd Battalion M. We do not know yet why these letters and know how to mark the STB. This is the N? My conjecture is that, for example Alpha team leader from the 1st Squad, 2nd Platoon, Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion is callsign patch MB21A. Is it right? the same unit, but the squad leader with MB21 right? But we do not know how to mark the platoon leader, platoon sergeant, company commander, XO, 1SG, RTO and MED. Can you please explain? On many photos it covered. Only if it is not a problem.
    Thank you very much.

  53. Hi Jack, I am a NYC-based Casting Director. I would like get you info about a new show I am casting for a major TV network. Please email me if you’d like info. I think you would be great and would be interested in conducting a Skype interview with you. Thank you for your service.

  54. Tarheelcurahee

    I just read your story on santoro.. I served in Afghanistan in 08-09 in 3rd platoon Cco 1/506 with him.. It was a know thing that he was gay and bullied and sexuality harassed several soldiers.. He was not the only predator. . He was working in partnership with another soldier.. If you would like more info , I can give you names of soldiers that can confirm the same info as me

  55. Totally rivetting read, all the books. From Book 1 Page it is obvious you have specialised inside knowledge. Cheers from a UK Spec Op


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